Monday, August 6, 2007

Reunion Update – 5th August

Hi All.

We have made great progress over the past couple of weeks in tracking down other former DCR staff, whose response to attending has been excellent. We are now expecting over 70 people to show up.

We have also been contacted by people who will not be able to attend but are keen to catch up with former colleagues. To that end we will definitely be having a get together in early December, before everyone goes on holidays. This will be very informal and just a matter of roll up if you can. Keep an eye on the website for more details but it probably be at a venue in Civic.

Could I ask for final payment by the 17th of August for tickets please?

We have to provide final numbers and pay for catering, one week out from the Reunion. People coming from interstate, or those in Canberra who have not picked up their tickets in person, will able to collect them at the door on the night. Again if you are not comfortable using electronic banking, or having any difficulty getting money to the ticket sellers, contact Al. (

Also we are compiling music to be played on the night so if anyone has any particular request for and old fave, email Al and we’ll try and get it the playlist for you. (Lemmo has requested plenty of Bronski Beat and George Michael so that demographic is pretty much covered.)

19 sleeps to go!



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